Etuja caravan- ja mökki-majoittujille!

When you stay with us, you get benefits from the adjacent Virkystyshotelli Yyteri, such as a discount on the ticket price of the spa Merenneito and the hotel's breakfast! Ask the reception for more information when you arrive to stay!

Pitkäaikaismajoitusta Yyterissä

Kuva Yyterin lomamökistä, jossa korostaa erityisesti tupakeittiön modernit pinnat.

Yyteri Resort & Camping offers high quality options for cottages, which are suitable for businesses and families looking for accommodation for a long time period. Read more from our website.

We are open all year round!

Yyteri Resort & Camping is open all year round! You can come with a caravan or book a cottage also in winter time. Please notice our opening hours in reception. You can make a reservation form our webstore, by email or by telephone +358 300 870 876 (when reception is open). Welcome!


Start your day in best possible way - Going to Sauna!