Yyterin tähtiesiintyjät

Viereisessä Virkistyshotelli Yyterissä koet kotimaisen tähtitaivaan artistit! 29.3.2025 Kaseva
Etuja caravan- ja mökki-majoittujille!

When you stay with us, you get benefits from the adjacent Virkystyshotelli Yyteri, such as a discount on the ticket price of the spa Merenneito and the hotel's breakfast! Ask the reception for more information when you arrive to stay!
Pitkäaikaismajoitusta Yyterissä

Yyteri Resort & Camping offers high quality options for cottages, which are suitable for businesses and families looking for accommodation for a long time period. Read more from our website.
We are open all year round!

Yyteri Resort & Camping is open all year round! You can come with a caravan or book a cottage also in winter time. Please notice our opening hours in reception. You can make a reservation form our webstore, by email yyteri@suomicamping.fi or by telephone +358 300 870 876 (when reception is open). Welcome!
Iskelmä Festival 28.-29.6-2024

Iskelmä Festival 28.-29.6-2024
Are you still missing your accomodation?

Start your day in best possible way - Going to Sauna!
Yyterin aamupala

Come and enjoy our delicious breakfast in restaurant Ulappa!
Kesän paras ja nopein äkkilähtö

Kesän paras ja nopein äkkilähtö!

Spend an unforgettable Midsummer at Yyteri!